Complimentary Exam
We understand you have several options when it comes to choosing an orthodontist for you and your family. We are confident that you will be more than satisfied with the level of care you will receive from us. During your complimentary consultation, we will thoroughly discuss your treatment options, length of treatment and the cost of treatment so you leave our office with a clear understanding of what to expect from us. We want to ensure you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision about your care.
What to Expect at the Separation Appointment
In order to make space for the metal bands that go around the molars, we will separate your back teeth. Small plastic rings or metal springs will be wedged between each molar to gradually move them apart. The separators typically stay in for 1-2 weeks prior to the banding.
For the first few days, your back teeth will likely feel sore. You may take ibuprofen, just as you would for a minor headache, and we recommend eating softer foods to help with any discomfort. Please continue to brush your teeth twice daily as normal, but be careful to not dislodge the separators.
Once enough space has been created, the separators do tend to fall out on their own. In most cases, this is nothing to worry about. To ensure that enough space has been made, simply pull some dental floss between the teeth where the separator fell out. If the floss slides through easily, you do not need a replacement. If you do lose many of the separators, please call our office, and we will determine if they need to be replaced.
What to Expect at the Banding, Bonding and Archwire Appointment
This appointment is scheduled between 2 days and 1 week after the separator have been placed. The braces placement appointment lasts approximately 2 hours. We schedule these appointments during ‘slower’ office hours, anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m.
During the appointment, we respectfully have parents wait in the reception area. Parents are welcome to come in the treatment area once the appointment is finished and the doctor is giving special instructions on the care of braces.
The bands (metal rings that go around the molars) and brackets (metal or ceramic orthodontic device that holds the archwire in place) are cemented to your teeth. A light-weight archwire will be placed into the brackets to allow the patient to adjust to the new appliance. Either elastic or metal ligatures will be wrapped around the bracket to hold the archwire in place.
What to Expect at the Adjustment Appointments
Adjustment appointments are made on a regular basis, typically every 6-10 weeks apart. Each appointment can last anywhere from 15-45 minutes, depending on the type of work that needs to be done. The average time for an adjustment appointment is about 20 minutes.
If your braces break or are damaged, please call our office as soon as possible. We will do our best to assess how we’ll fix your braces. Depending on how many repairs are necessary, a repair appointment can last longer than a simple adjustment. If this is the case, we may need to schedule you another appointment.